13 College Websites Using Beaver Builder

13 College Websites Using Beaver Builder

Our powerful Beaver Builder page builder tool helps all kinds of people and organizations design their websites with ease. It’s used by a wide variety of businesses and associations, including college institutions.

In this article, we’ll look at some examples of this. Specifically, we’ll explore 13 colleges that have successfully used Beaver Builder to help create their websites. Let’s jump in!

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1. Harvard Christians on Campus

The Harvard Christians on Campus website.

Harvard Christians on Campus is a registered student organization. Its straightforward site enables users to sign up and find out more information about upcoming events:

The upcoming events page of the HCOC website.


The website presents the content cleanly. Additionally, there are plenty of Calls To Action (CTAs) that help drive engagement. For example, there are options to register for events and contact the group’s organizers.

2. MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program

The MIT Schellar website.

The MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program is an example of an innovative college program that uses Beaver Builder. This program focuses on creating interactive and experimental learning experiences. It does this through games, simulations, and computing tools:

Content modules on the MIT website.

Users can access a variety of design-driven projects for exploratory learning. Additionally, they can gather information about online and in-person courses and essential news and publications.

3. IISE Berkeley

The IISE Berkley website.

The IISE at Berkeley is an industrial engineering student organization. It focuses on professional, social, and academic development.

Additionally, the website boasts a minimalist design. This aesthetic makes it easy for visitors to find the exact information they’re looking for:

A IISE Berkley website page.

It demonstrates how page builders such as Beaver Builder can help organizations create informative websites without being distracting.

For example, using just a few simple pages, the site offers plenty of information about its chapter’s mission and background. It also showcases its current students, calendar events, and contact details.

4. USC Institute of Translational Genomics

The USC Translation Genomics website.

The USC Institute of Translational Genomics seeks to improve healthcare through personalized medicine. The website delivers a lot of helpful background information about the college and its purpose.

It’s a text-heavy site. However, it uses fonts and text that are easy to read. Also, it organizes the page layouts to be scannable.

For example, in addition to the clean blocks of text and headers, the pages are also sprinkled with multiple images:

The USC Translational Genomics content page.

Additionally, the navigation isn’t overwhelming because the pages are strategically arranged. Users can quickly find information about the program’s members, services, and requirements.

5. University of Florida Nature Coast Biological Station

The UF Nature Coast Biological Station website.

The UF NCBS focuses on improving the conservation and sustainability management of natural resources within the region. The website is incredibly content-heavy, but it is neatly organized and easy to navigate.

On this site, you can discover a wealth of information about the organization, its history, and its current mission. Additionally, there are dedicated sections exploring the research and blog posts to learn more about the topics and available services.

Users can use the Events page to find out more about opportunities for getting involved. The site also makes it easy to accept donations and sponsor students.

6. UCI Science Project

The UCI Science Project website.

The UCI Science Project helps empower and position educators to become transformative leaders. It offers three tiers of NextGen Science Certification Programs. The website delivers information about each option:

The tier programs of UCI Science Project.

It also offers a variety of other programs that educators can customize based on the specific needs of their school districts.

All of the information is organized and laid out in an aesthetically pleasing manner that is easy to navigate and consume. In addition, each page features distinct CTAs and layout features that make it easy to find specific content.

7. University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder website.

The University of Colorado Boulder uses Beaver Builder for its Integrated Teaching & Learning Program website. This award-winning engineering program helps students immerse themselves in innovative and integrated learning environments. By doing so, it supports a hands-on approach to engineering education.

The modern, elegant website makes it easy for students to sign up for skill-building workshops and courses:

The Workshop page on the University of Colorado Boulder website.

Additionally, it lets visitors submit online payments for software and equipment. Students can also send fabrication requests for workspaces.

8. Purdue University

The Purdue University website.

The Local Food Program of Purdue University uses Beaver Builder to power its website. The mission’s purpose is to help create programming, deliver educational materials, and build a community centered on local food system issues.

The unique website features large, high-quality banner images. It also includes accessible modules and integrations for social media accounts, blog posts, and contact forms.

Visitors can use the site to learn more about the available programs and access detailed resources on the local food system issues. The website also makes it easy to view all upcoming events and contact the team leaders with questions.

9. Colorado State University

The Colorado State University website.

Colorado State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences is another example of a college website using Beaver Builder. The program helps encourage participatory learning in agricultural education. It does this by offering research centers, projects, and a variety of both undergraduate and graduate programs.

The college is large, with a lot of programs to feature and information to include. However, the website successfully uses its content modules and layouts to make the most of the space.

The information-packed site is where existing or potential students can learn more about the programs. In addition, they can use the site to directly apply to programs that they’re interested in.

Aside from helping existing and potential students, the website serves as a valuable platform for alumni to find important updates and opportunities to get involved.

10. University of Washington Cultivate Learning

The University of Washington Cultivate Learning website.

The University of Washington Cultivate Learning program helps advance early childhood education and learning opportunities. It does this through professional learning, research and evaluation, and quality recognition.

The colorful, sleek website does an impressive job of incorporating a variety of content and presenting it cohesively. Users can find an array of information regarding each program, access research and reports, and keep up with the latest news.

It’s also a user-friendly site, thanks to the distinct and consistent content modules and navigation menus.

11. University of Connecticut

The UCONN website.

The University of Connecticut relies on Beaver Builder to help power its undergrad admissions website. The college showcases a unique and stunning site that lets potential students easily browse the content.

For example, they can stay on top of important deadlines and take actions to complete their applications:

The UCONN website.

This is an excellent example of how college websites can use Beaver Builder to design a site that attracts students and improves their User Experience (UX).

In fact, UCONN has found our tool so helpful that it’s helping its students learn about it as well. The college has a dedicated page teaching students how to use Beaver Builder:

A UCONN page about how to use Beaver Builder.

On this page, students can learn everything about using our page builder. It includes modules on utilizing saved templates and editing content. For example, it guides users through creating templates, inserting rows and modules, and customizing pages.

12. National University of Singapore

The NUS ACSEL conference website.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) uses Beaver Builder for its Asian Conference on Safety & Education in Laboratory (ACSEL) website. This annual conference helps leading universities share information about the best laboratory safety and health practices.

The website showcases a minimalist yet colorful design. It includes high-quality sliders and neatly arranged page layouts. It is another example of how page builders can help site owners deliver critical information without overwhelming visitors with crowded pages or unnecessary content.

The site provides thorough, detailed information about the conference. For instance, it includes its history, news, and contact information. However, it divides up the content in a way that’s easy to scan and digest.

13. Missouri S&T

The Missouri S&T website.

Built using Beaver Builder, the Missouri S&T Student Activity Finance Board website is a bold, professional website. It demonstrates how high-contrast colors and large CTA buttons can help improve the appearance of your content.

From the moment you land on the homepage, the site makes it easy for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. The CTA buttons are prominent and placed over a banner image. These features help users browse directly to the pages they want.

Below are columns of upcoming deadline information in easy-to-read fonts. However, for information that doesn’t fall under either of these sections, there are navigation links along the top of the site and a search bar for effortless browsing.


Page builders are powerful tools that can help simplify the web design process. This is true whether you’re an individual, small business, or large institution, such as a college. There are many page builder tools you can use, and deciding between them can be tricky. However, seeing real-life examples of leaders in your field and their chosen tools can be helpful.

In this article, we discussed 13 colleges that use Beaver Builder. These websites demonstrate the many different applications Beaver Builder offers. For example, it can help education professionals make their websites more aesthetically pleasing and valuable for visitors. If you’re thinking about using a page builder plugin, hopefully, this list enables you to understand better why Beaver Builder might be a great fit.

Do you have any questions about using Beaver Builder for college websites? Let us know in the comments section below!

About Will Morris

Will Morris is a staff writer at WordCandy. When he's not writing about WordPress, he likes to gig his stand-up comedy routine on the local circuit.


  1. Kako on January 27, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    Can I build the same sites with courses like this one? https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/wordpress-training-course/

  2. Seth Stevenson on February 2, 2022 at 9:52 am

    Another one is Des Moines University! https://www.dmu.edu

    • Jennifer Franklin on February 2, 2022 at 10:09 am

      Thanks Seth for another great example of another college website built with Beaver Builder. btw – I love their Mini Med School workshops!

  3. David Zack on February 2, 2022 at 10:05 am

    Here’s one more. I built this site for Texas A&M.


    • Jennifer Franklin on February 2, 2022 at 10:16 am

      Looks great! Thank you David for sharing this Texas A&M website built with Beaver Builder.

  4. John Russell on February 2, 2022 at 11:58 am

    We’re also using Beaver Builder over in the College of Liberal Arts (for the college, department, and center websites) at Colorado State University. Just a few of them are:


    Beaver Builder is instrumental to our team being able to successfully implement our designs while keeping them easy to maintain. Thanks BB Team!

  5. Dylan Hamilton-Foster on February 2, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    UNSW Global https://www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au/ is built with Beaver Builder

  6. Jason Hayward on February 3, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    Here are three more (2 US sites and 1 AU site):


    • Jennifer Franklin on February 4, 2022 at 5:31 am

      Jason, thank you for sharing. Looks like a fun industry!

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